Let’s face it: paper planners are here to stay and technology–specifically mobile devices—are a permanent fixture in our daily lives. Whether it be for work, personal, a side hustle, or volunteer work, these tools help make our lives easier. In this installment of ‘Write it Down or Power it Up?’ we’ll answer the question: “Under what circumstances does paper or technology work?”
Van der Spek
LilDivette featured on Philofaxy.com!

Like many plannernerds, I’m a huge fan of the Philofaxy blog by Steve Morton. For the last decade, Philofaxy has been a treasure trove of information related to planners, inserts, productivity tips, company interviews, and user ‘spotlights’ which are guest posts shared by users from the planner community describing their setups, tips, and hacks. I met Steve […]
Great Affordable Fountain Pen – TWSBI Mini

In a previous blogpost, I wrote about a great affordable fountain pen priced between $10 – $19 (read more about it here). For those looking to ‘step up’ their fountain pen game while still keeping it relatively affordable and portable enough to travel in anything from a small passport size Midori up to a full […]
Using Multiple Planners? Then You Need This!

If you’re an avid planner user, you may understand the thrill of smelling a fine crafted leather planner, the appeal of starting a new blank page, or writing with a freshly inked pen. It is the lure of a plannernerd. 🙂 As a result, some will choose to be faithful to one planner while others […]
Planner Setups for the New Year – Part 3 of 4

Welcome back everyone! 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying this blog series where I’ve been sharing the details of my 2016 planner setups. So far I’ve shared my work planner and blog planner setups. This week we’ll be diving into my personal planner setup. This is my primary planner which serves as the ‘command center’ for many […]
Planner Setups for the New Year – Part 1 of 4

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you enjoyed the holidays and welcome back to my blog. As mentioned in the previous post, my blog has a new ‘home’ so make sure to update any old bookmarks and check out my updated posting schedule for 2016—it’s going to be an exciting year! 🙂 Speaking of New […]
Monthly Index Logs

With all the planner and page inserts available today, it’s getting more and more difficult to avoid the temptation of something new and change your setup midway–or several times!–throughout the year. I’ve fallen victim to this many times in the last couple years so I had to come up with a way to maintain something […]