Depending on where you live, calendar and planner pages will typically be formatted with either a Sunday or Monday start for the week. Living in North America, Sunday usually marks the beginning of a week on most printed calendars. Imagine my surprise when I ordered my first planner with a Monday start—what a culture shock and totally genius! So is a Monday start better for planning than a Sunday start? The answer may shock you. 😉
The Happy Planner
Santa’s Sleigh List – Planner Addict Gifts

(*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. These links will help you find items I’ve purchased, love, or am lusting after!) ***All images below are url linked so if you’d like to purchase or see more details just click!*** Welcome back for the second installment of Santa’s Sleigh List where you won’t just impress your […]
Do you like your weekends shaken (apart) or stirred (together)?

Tell me if this has ever happened to you: you’re walking around your favorite store and then you see it–the perfect planner! You love how it looks, the price is right, the paper is nice, and the layout is just right for your needs…except…the weekend format is all wrong! Depending on your preference, you either […]
Monthly Index Logs

With all the planner and page inserts available today, it’s getting more and more difficult to avoid the temptation of something new and change your setup midway–or several times!–throughout the year. I’ve fallen victim to this many times in the last couple years so I had to come up with a way to maintain something […]