Let’s face it: paper planners are here to stay and technology–specifically mobile devices—are a permanent fixture in our daily lives. Whether it be for work, personal, a side hustle, or volunteer work, these tools help make our lives easier. In this installment of ‘Write it Down or Power it Up?’ we’ll answer the question: “Under what circumstances does paper or technology work?”
Great Affordable Fountain Pen – TWSBI Mini

In a previous blogpost, I wrote about a great affordable fountain pen priced between $10 – $19 (read more about it here). For those looking to ‘step up’ their fountain pen game while still keeping it relatively affordable and portable enough to travel in anything from a small passport size Midori up to a full […]
Santa’s Sleigh List – Planner Addict Gifts

(*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. These links will help you find items I’ve purchased, love, or am lusting after!) ***All images below are url linked so if you’d like to purchase or see more details just click!*** Welcome back for the second installment of Santa’s Sleigh List where you won’t just impress your […]
Monthly Index Logs

With all the planner and page inserts available today, it’s getting more and more difficult to avoid the temptation of something new and change your setup midway–or several times!–throughout the year. I’ve fallen victim to this many times in the last couple years so I had to come up with a way to maintain something […]
Travelers Notebook Closure Strap – on Back or Spine?

Do you prefer the closure strap on the back or on the spine on a travelers notebook? I discovered I have a definite preference.