Sometimes…life just gets in the way. (ME over the past month, ugh!) It is further complicated by the multiple roles we play in different life areas—family, work, our community, etc. Every day, we try our best to juggle many responsibilities while maintaining a balance that allows us to effectively meet all our commitments as well as pursue personal passions. But…there are times when one life area becomes overwhelmingly busy, monopolizing our time and focus, causing everything else to fall to the wayside. We switch from ‘proactive mode’ to ‘reactive mode’ because we’re too busy to plan. Yes, it can be stressful but it’s not the end of the world. Just take a breath and read on for 5 tips on how you can stay productive ‘thru the storm’ when you’re too busy to plan.
bullet journal
Work Bullet Journal Update – Part 2

A few weeks ago I shared my 2018 Work Bullet Journal Update which included an overview of my current setup and a complete walk-thru. This week, I’m sharing Part 2 which includes my process for transitioning to a new journal as well as my top 10 work layouts that help keep me organized and productive—some are […]
2018 Planner Setups – Work Bullet Journal Update

Welcome back everyone! Every January, I publish a planner setups blog post series where I share the planners I’ve selected for the year—yes, there’s usually more than one, don’t judge! This week I’m finally sharing my most highly requested video: an update on my work bullet journal! At the beginning of last year, I was […]
Planner Musings – How to Choose a Planner for Next Year in 3 Steps

Can you believe it’s October and 2018 is almost here? September was a blur for me due to fiscal-year-end work and a family emergency. With all that behind me now (all is well!), I’m back to pondering—along with the rest of my fellow plannernerds—the biggest decision of the year: what planner will I use for […]
2017 Mid-Year Planner Lineup – Work Planner Update

At the start of 2017, I shared my planner lineup for work, blog/YouTube content, personal/family, and on-the-go. Like many plannernerds, I use multiple planners so the process of choosing a planner every year for each life area can be daunting. Mid-year is the perfect time to do a ‘reality check’ to see what’s working, what’s […]
2017 Planners – Work Bullet Journal & Bonus Functional Plan w/Me!

Welcome back for Part 2 of my 2017 Planners blogpost series. Last week I shared my blog (content) planner setup—read more about it here. This week I’ll be sharing my dedicated work bullet journal as well as a functional plan with me. And, yes, solely using a bullet journal is VERY out of planner-character for […]
Bullet Journal Experiment Update

Hey blog friends! Excuse the delay between posts lately…it’s been hard trying to blog while sick—ugh! I’m slowly getting better and should be getting back to my regular editorial schedule soon. While I’ve been sick, blogging isn’t the only thing I’ve had trouble with…it’s also been equally hard to plan. September is when the school […]