Welcome back everyone for the final installment of ‘Planner Setups for the New Year’ blog series! 🙂 Previously in this blog series, I shared my work planner setup in Part 1, blog planner setup in Part 2, and primary planner setup in Part 3. This week I’ll be sharing my ‘on-the-go’ planner setup.
As I mentioned last week, my primary planner is a large A5 (5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″) planner that while functional is too bulky to carry outside the house. This made it necessary to create a portable setup that I could easily toss into any bag. Currently my on-the-go planner is housed in a personal size (3.75″ x 6.75″) Kate Spade Wellesly Zip planner in red that was a gift from my family. The color is gorgeous, quality is excellent, style very chic, and, best of all, it zips keeping everything securely inside. I’ve been using the Kate Spade planner since December in honor of the holiday season but generally swap out my personal-size planner covers depending on my mood and the season. I used a personal-size planner for a long time so I’ve accumulated a few planners over the years and like to use them all as much as I can.

On-the-Go Planner Setup
There are only a few things I need when I’m out running errands: my overall schedule, a place to capture notes, and some contacts information. As a result, I only setup three divider sections in my on-the-go planner.
- Schedule: The first section contains a year-at-a-glance view by MsWenduful (free on her site!), month on 2 pages for all of 2016, and monthly index log. The monthly pages contain all major appointments, events, and any trips for the next 12 months. I don’t decorate in this planner at all so I love using the free LimeTreeFruits calendar pages which have a colorful palette and drawings by artist Raine Boyd for added flair. The information in this section is sufficient to check for any potential conflicts prior to making any new appointments or commitments.

- Monthly Index Log: The monthly index log is a planning tool I use which serves as a monthly ‘recap’ of anything important that happened throughout the month—read more about it here. It also uses my color coding system so I can easily locate information related to any member of my family—read more about it here. Behind my monthly calendar pages, I’m carrying last year’s monthly index logs in case I need to remember something important that happened last year (I had started off last year in a personal-size planner and continued to update this information when I migrated over to my A5 planner which is why this information is on personal-size pages for 2015). Going forward, my monthly index will be in my A5 planner so I’ll be taking a photo of the this page to refer to on-the-go. I do the same thing sometimes when there’s a lot of details on my weekly pages that I may need when I’m out running errands but don’t want to recreate in my on-the-go planner. Once the week is over, I’ll delete that picture. The monthly index picture, however, will stay on my phone throughout 2016 for as long as needed.

- Notes: The second section contains a few blank pages for notes, ideas, and other reference information captured on-the-go. Again, I added some ‘pretty’ but inexpensive paper to make it aesthetically pleasing however, since these are ‘throw away’ notes until I can transfer them to the appropriate planner when I get home, it contains punched note pages from the Target and Michael’s dollar spot–a great way to use them up! If I have an especially busy day, I’ll also use this section to make a list of errand stops, shopping lists, and other tasks I need to take care of while out and about.

- Contacts: Third and last, I have a section where I’ve written down addresses and phone numbers for doctors, my children’s schools, some family, and other important contacts just in case my smartphone gets lost or is unavailable.

For supporting tools, I only carry a few Post-its in various sizes, different types of clips, smaller pieces of paper, and a pen (gold Pilot Hi-tech C Coleto 4-color pen shown to color code on-the-go). I also added a zip pocket since this planner doesn’t have a built-in zipper compartment to carry small, loose items. Again, very minimal because I’m not very active in this particular planner—it’s mostly for reference on-the-go as opposed to regular planning throughout the day.

Well, that’s all folks! {said in my best Bugs Bunny voice, lol!} I hope you enjoyed this blog series and found it helpful. Like any other planner enthusiast, I’m always refining and tweaking my system to make it work better for me. I love reading other blogs and watching Youtube videos showing planner setups so if you have a setup tip or technique that works well for you, please share in the comments below and don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share on social media.
Until next time,
♥ LilD ♥
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