Tell me if this has ever happened to you: you’re walking around your favorite store and then you see it–the perfect planner! You love how it looks, the price is right, the paper is nice, and the layout is just right for your needs…except…the weekend format is all wrong! Depending on your preference, you either feel cheated because Saturday and Sunday were ‘smushed’ together or overwhelmed because the weekends have the same amount of space as the weekdays meaning wasted space since you’ll never use it. You think, “Why oh why have the planner gods cursed me this way!?” (Okay that was a little dramatic but you know what I mean. πŸ˜‰ )

I’ve rejected many planners/inserts over the years because of this very reason–having the ‘wrong’ weekend format. For my personal/home planner, I need the same amount space (sometimes more!) for Saturday and Sunday because that’s the only time during the week when I can tackle the most tasks. Like most working moms, weekends is our chance to play ‘catch up’ and complete those tasks we just can’t get to during the week. Whether it be chores, errands, family activities, or special events, I personally look forward to the weekends to both get things done and unwind.


Vertical weekly layout with equal weekend spacing

On the other hand, I prefer a condensed weekend format in my work planner. Monday thru Friday, my work schedule is packed with meetings and conference calls, numerous project tasks, and jotting down lots of project details and reference information. Believe me when I say I use every single spot on the weekly layout which is why minimizing the area taken up by the weekends is ideal–I just don’t need it. As a result, I’ve re-purposes the weekend boxes for jotting down my weekly project status updates (very handy to find and refer to when I’m on a call or someone asks a question!).


Vertical weekly layout with condensed weekend format

In case you’re interested, I’m currently using The Happy Planner vertical layout pages in an A5 binder as my personal/home planner and the large black/white stripe Day Designer academic planner from Target which I’ve discovered is the perfect work planner for me!

There are many reasons affecting our decision to choose or pass on a planner/insert and the weekend format is just one of them. What about you? Do you prefer the same amount of space for the weekends or for Saturday and Sunday to be condensed? Please share in the comments below!

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Until next time,

β™₯ LilD β™₯