
Welcome back everyone for the final installment of ‘Planner Setups for the New Year’ blog series! 🙂 Previously in this blog series, I shared my work planner setup in Part 1, blog planner setup in Part 2, and primary planner setup in Part 3. This week I’ll be sharing my ‘on-the-go’ planner setup.

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Welcome back everyone! 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying this blog series where I’ve been sharing the details of my 2016 planner setups. So far I’ve shared my work planner and blog planner setups. This week we’ll be diving into my personal planner setup. This is my primary planner which serves as the ‘command center’ for many […]

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planner, planners, day designer, vds, van der spek, foxydori, kate spade, traveler notebook, zip binder, new year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you enjoyed the holidays and welcome back to my blog. As mentioned in the previous post, my blog has a new ‘home’ so make sure to update any old bookmarks and check out my updated posting schedule for 2016—it’s going to be an exciting year! 🙂 Speaking of New […]

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Ho Ho Ho, there’s 8 more days to go!  🙂 I hope you’ve been enjoying the Santa’s Sleigh List Gift Series where I shared gift ideas for fountain pen fans, planner addicts, tech gadget geeks, and office holiday parties. In addition, there were two special Secret Santa Gifts just for you!–check them out here and […]

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Happy holidays! (I can say that now because it’s finally December. 😉 ) Earlier this week on Santa’s Sleigh List – Planner Addict Gifts, I shared gift ideas for planner users in various stages of their planner journey. To help keep you organized during the busy holiday season–or to include as a ‘starter kit’ along […]

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(*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. These links will help you find items I’ve purchased, love, or am lusting after!)  ***All images below are url linked so if you’d like to purchase or see more details just click!*** Welcome back for the second installment of Santa’s Sleigh List where you won’t just impress your […]

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