Other Fun Stuff

Happy New Year, everyone! A new year means new beginnings as well as new planners, pens, and technology gems! 😀 To kick off the New Year, my blog has a new look so come on over, join the ‘blog-warming party’, grab a warm cup of your favorite brew, and check it out—I have so much to share with you!!!


Another year, another blogpost–can you believe it?! It’s been 3 years since I decided to start a blog in my little corner of the internet and I can honestly say it’s been a creative joy and an honor to serve my fellow plannernerds, pengeeks, and techies. On this very special day, I choose not to […]

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Fathers Day, Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is around the corner and it usually comes with a little less fan fare than Mother’s Day so let’s show some love for Dads! Dads are amazing. They make us laugh, feel safe, and are one of the first role models we look up to as a kid. They are also one of […]

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(*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. These links will help you find items I’ve purchased, love, or am lusting after!)  ***Some of the category titles below are url links to a list of search results for the item described—images are also url linked—so if you’d like to purchase or see more details just click!*** […]

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